Malware Analysis Tools, Part 2
In the second part of our overview we continue with the selection of the most used and most usable malware analysis tools. Moreover, we select the tools which are freely available. This time, we focus on tools for analysis other types of the files instead of the native binaries from the previous blog.
Malware Analysis Tools, Part 1
In this overview we introduce the selection of the most used and most usable malware analysis tools. Moreover, we select the tools which are freely available.
Threat intelligence is one of the most critical weapons we can use in cyber defense. I often use Threat intelligence for enhancing my daily tasks in LIFARS such as incident response, threat hunting, forensics and malware analysis. And because the automation is the key for many tasks, I decided to design a new tool which helps us to speedup our processes. Our great R&D team then developed this tool and we recently released under Open Source MIT License as our gift to the community.
IDC Python - Executing external programs from IDA
IDA, the Interactive Disassembler, is well known tool. It also comes in Freeware version, however, there are several limitations. For example, it is known, that IDA Freeware doesn’t support IDA Python, scripting language which brings the best from the IDA and from the Python world. For scripting, IDA Freeware supports only IDC, a “toy” [2] C-like language. In past I was wondering if it is possible to run Python even from IDA Freeware, Recently I played little bit more with IDC and I found a way how to pass data from IDA to external Python, and get back results to the IDA.
Fluorescence Call Highlighter and IDC Plugins
Few weeks ago, I saw somewhere on the Internet question about IDA Freeware compatibility with the Fluorescence plugin. And because this plugin is written in IDAPython and IDAPython isn’t officially supported by IDA Freeware, also this plugin isn’t compatible.
However, when I checked what this plugin does, it turns out that it is very simple - its purpose is to highlight call instructions. So as an exercise I re-created IDC script with similar feature, and moreover, I also created plugin version of IDC Fluorescence.